No right click
Thank You!
♥ Enakei } {

Blogged @ 11:10:00 PM

mood: am happy ^^ but sad to leave T.T
music: Nothing Last Forever - RAN

will be
for 1 week or so

gonna miss this blog and You! hiks~

Blogged @ 3:32:00 PM

RSCM Resmikan Klinik Anti-Trauma

JAKARTA - Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) kembali menambah fasilitas kesehatan. Kali ini sebuah klinik pemulihan stress pascatrauma diresmikan.

Klinik tersebut nantinya akan menjadi pusat rujukan nasional untuk menangani pengobatan psikis korban bencana, penganiayaan, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga .

Gangguan stress pascatrauama adalah gangguan kecemasan yang umumnya terjadi setelah seseorang mengalami atau menyaksikan trauma berat yang mengancam secara fisik dan jiwa orang tersebut. Seperti bencana alam, kecelakan, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, dan penganiayaan. Pasien akan ditangani dengan dua pendekatan.

"Pertama pendekatan psikoterapi dengan metode khusus seperti konseling, terapi kelompok, terapi keluarga. dan kedua sarmakologi yaitu terapi obatan-obatan untuk meredam stress," jelas koordinator Klinik RSCM FKUI Suryo Darmono dalam acara peresmian di RSCM, Selasa (29/1/2008).

Menurut Darmono, klinik penangan korban trauma RSCM merupakan kerjasama Departemen psikiatri RSCM FKUI dan Pfizer Fondation.

Klinik yang berada di lantai III ini ditangani oleh tiga psikiater dan satu psikolog yang telah mendapatkan pelatihan khusus di Jakarta ditambah lima tenaga psikiater untuk metode psikoterapi bagi korban trauma.

"Paling banyak korban kekerasan pada anak dan perempuan. 2008 ini sudah ada tiga kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga yang masuk dan ditangani," imbuh Darmono. (fit)

credit to Lia Yusliani - Okezone Selasa, 29 Januari 2008 - 15:06 wib

i wish bisa magang sebentaaarrr aja disini *kyuuuup*
tertarik bgt sama hal yg beginian ^^

Blogged @ 12:45:00 AM

dapet ini dari bullboard FS haha~
iseng ajah~


Begitu dibuka. Kamu harus jawab
pertanyaan di bawah dengan jujur dan
dari dalam hati.

Jika mantan pacar kamu berkata :

1. Mengapa kamu membiarkan aku pergi?
# krn kamu yg buat aku begitu

2. Aku masih mencintai kamu.
# Aku juga. but Loving doesn't always mean for having rite?!

3 . Kapan terakhir kali kita ngobrol?
# 2 weeks ago? and it was awkward hhh~

4. Jalan yuk. Mau ga?
# i'm sorry~

5 . Aku antar jemput kamu mau ga?
# hehe~ don't need anymore

6. Apa kamu bisa ngejalanin semua ini
tanpa aku?
# i think i am, now..

7. Aku ga bisa menepati janji ke kamu.
# yeah, me too..coz i'm leaving..

8. Ortu aku nanyain kmu terus.
# nanti aku telp mereka ^^

9. Temen2 aku bilang kita berdua cocok bgt.
# i know. but...

10. Kamu sudah berubah.
# i have to. i'm moving on, remember??

11. Kita bisa balik lagi ga?
# i dont think we i said, it's over, final, no turning back.

12 . Oh, aku tau ada apa dengan semua ini?
# kan aku uda ngomong ^^

13. Kamu sadar ga kalau kamu nyakitin aku?
# i know..and i'll live together with Ms.Guilty feeling now

14. Bagaimana bisa kamu melupakan semua kenangan kita berdua?
# Never. i wont never forget those 8 years we've had

15. Aku akan selalu mencintai kamu.
# me too. but not in THAT context anymore..

16. Dan aku akan selalu menunggu kamu.
# Don't need too. just live ^^

haha~ actually..ini mah curhat namanya haha~
abis dengerin lagu2nya Glenn yg sedih tak berujung, sekali ini saja & Akhir cerita cinta..
huhuhu~ jd ngerasa bersalah lg..
tp gak boleh kayak gitu kan? gmn mau maju yah??
huhuhu~ maap~

sudahlah...uda janji gak mau nengok ke belakang lg..
my future suda menunggu didepan..
aku suda buka pintunya, tinggal nunggu dia masuk ^^

aaaa~ HWAITING!!

niwey, Indonesia masih berkabung, sampe 7hari ke depan..
gw juga masi sedih..pakk~ love your smile~!!
Blogged @ 12:36:00 AM

dengan Kebesaran Hati..mengucapkan..


Bpk. H.M. Soeharto

semoga diterima disisi-Nya, dilapangkan jalannya,
diterima amal dan ibadahnya. Amin.

despite of all the 'Bad' things you've done..
me always respected you as one of Indonesia's savior.
I am never Hate you, and never will.

hiks~ i love your smile pak Harto.. T____T 
Blogged @ 12:03:00 PM

i found this while i'm blogging around tehehehe~

Mark Your Confessions

[x] I Talk A LOT when I get really nervous.

[] I am really ticklish.

[] I'm afraid of the dark.

[] I can't sleep in a room if the door is open

[] I can't sleep in a room if the door is closed

[x] I believe in true love.

[] I've ran away from home

[] I listen to political music

[x] I collect comic books

[x] I shut others out when I'm sad.

[x] I've stayed out all night.

[x] I open up to others easily.

[] I am keeping a secret from the world.

[] I watch the news

[x] I love Disney movies.

[x] I am a sucker for green eyes.

[x] I am a sucker for brown eyes.

[x] I am a sucker for blue eyes

[] I dont kill bugs

[] I have "x"s in my screen name.

[x] I've slipped and fell in public.

[x] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation

[] I love Spam

[] I bake well.

[x] I have worn pajamas to class.

[x] I want a better job

[] Talked on a phone for 6+ hours.

[] I love Dr. Phil.

[] I like multiple people

[x] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.

[x] I am self-conscious.

[x] I love to laugh.

[x] I have tried alcohol.

[] I drink alcohol on a regular basis.

[x] I have tried a cigarette.

[] I have smoked a pack in one day.

[] I loved Lord of the Flies.

[x] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.

[] I can't swallow pills.

[x] I have a lot of scars.

[x] I like chocolate.

[] I bite my nails.

[] I am not comfortable with being me.

[] I play computer games when I'm bored.

[x] Gotten lost in the city.

[x] Thought of suicide before.

[x] Seen a shooting star.

[x] Gone out in public in my pajamas

[] Hugged a stranger.

[x] Been in a fist fight.

[] Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of my nose

[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.

[] Made out in an elevator.

[x] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose

[] Been skydiving.

[] Been bungee jumping.

[] Gotten stitches.

[x] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour

[x] Bitten someone

[] Been to Niagara Falls.

[x] Gotten the chicken pox.

[] Crashed into a car

[] Been to Germany.

[x] Ridden in a taxi.

[] Shoplifted.

[x] Been fired.

[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.

[] Stole something from your job.

[x] Gone on a blind date.

[] Had a crush on a teacher/coach.

[] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[] Slept with a co-worker, and/or employee.

[] Been married

[] Gotten divorced

[x] Saw someone/something dying.

[] Have a list of people you want to kill.

[] Ridden in a car over 400 miles in one day

[] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

[x] Thrown up in a bar.

[x] Eaten sushi.

[x] Cried in public.

[] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed.

[x] Liked someone even though you knew you shouldn't have.

[x] Thought of someone a lot lately.

[] Hate the world.

tehehehe~ confession~ teheheehehe
kyuuuuuuuuup~! >_______<
Blogged @ 1:29:00 AM

my dear... Jaejoongie~

22th (23th in korea enway) of your life <33
may this year full with many interesting things for you..
full of good things, even Great! take care of your much..cook much~ LOL~
be strong, don't ever give up.
No Pain No Gain baby~ lalalala~ =D
all in all...


*i'm dying now, coz i already sent all my heart to you now T.T
please take care of it will ya?!

Now.. my baby love pic~
ooo my birthday boy~

^^ my fave pic recently *heart*
so darn cool joongie *heart*
love the hair *heartheart*

Blogged @ 10:19:00 PM

Dear~ Sho kun~

dunno wut to say..
wishing you
a GREAT 26th year of life

my sexy hot dorky Sakurai Sho <33
Blogged @ 4:19:00 AM

mood : Nice ^^
song/s: Purple Line/Rainbow - THSK

setelah 5 hari tanpa internet..
setelah mengutuk2 spidi...
akhirnya kemaren spidi datengin teknisinya..
yang ternyata emg uda brapa kali benerin spidi gw haha~
dan ternyata, ni gw ngrasa bersalah bgt, yang salah bukan pada line..
tapi kabel telpon gw!! HAHA~
jd gak enak ama masnya, uda keringetan, capek2 dateng..
lupa gw kasi minum pula HAHAHA~
maap mas...kita kan cs ya skrg? haha~

kemaren ketemu sama dedek, adeknya soulmateku aka ex boyfriend haha...
ngobrolin banyak soal 'kenapa putus', this and that, sampe gosipin 1 orang yang gejeh.. nyangka kangen juga ngegosip gini..
ga nyangka jg, ternyata kita masih bisa berhubungan baik meski udah ga berstatus 'soonwillbesisterinlaw' haha~
pengen gosip lagiiiiiii!!! yuuuuk~!
well, kayaknya soal hubungan gw yg 'tamat' bikin banyak pihak sedih dan kecewa yah...
hhhh~ cant help it~
buat dedek (kalo baca LOL~ GR gila!) : hayooo udah cerita apa aja sm mama soal kemaren yg kita omongiiin??? hahaha~

huaaaa~ belom tidur niii...
rencana mau ngerjain skripsi (amit dah kaga slese2 -_-") eh malah ended up ngebloging alias ngintip2 blog org hahaha
tapi pas saia cek ternyata suda saia kerjakan minggu lalu yah hahaha~
well tinggal beberapa lagi siy ni...masi bingung panduan observasi...
hhhh~ mungkin karna uda kelamaan yah..ide2 di kepala pada ilangan..
sekarang malah gak yakin ama judul dan tema sendiri... kata temen si jalanin  aja dulu...hmmm...iya sii
gw percaya ko sama DP gw ^^ PhD gitu looooh hahaha~
okeh.. jd sekarang, gw kudu baca lagi tuh bab 1 dan bab 2...
ntar pagi pas ngadep DP kan enak tuh~
i'm off for today..
at least i already said Hi hahaha~

ooo~ wanna share my veryyyyy old pic..
before being jilbaber, dan masi berstatus 'mahasiswa ambil kelas' haha

with SLEBOR SAITAMA - my besties for this 6years or so <33

ya ampuuunn!! i think it was taken couple years ago, hmmm 3years ago? LOL~
i love you guys! sooo much!!
ultimate girls nya SLEBOR lagi lengkap euyyy~

Blogged @ 12:16:00 PM

huwaaa~ i met him yesterday >___<
it feels great knowing that he's fine, and not mad at me ^^
dunno why, it's kinda felt awkward with the both of us...
hhhh~ so sad...

well, i made this last night...a bit inspirated by the movie '10 things i hate about you...' hehehe~
i love that movie ^^

10 Things I Hate...about You and Us.

1.  I hate when you always help me up whenever i had troubles.

2.  I hate that you know me so much to ever hate me like you should.

3.  I hate for everybody thinks we're perfect, as the matter of fact we're not.

4.  I hate for we always thought we're perfect, nothing more needed and never thought that sometimes perfectness is not the only way to bring happiness.

5.  I hate that I got so many things that i wanted in you, but less of the things I needed.

6.  I hate the fact that you are my world.

7.  I hate you for always make me happy, yet sad.

8.  I hate you for always have those optimisme that we'll always be together forever and ever but not to mind about how to make this possible.

9.  I hate you for always be there for me, yet You're not.

10.I hate that i love you so much but I needed/have to let you go because you make me.

huaaaa~ ituh bener2 rasa kebencian gw hahahaha~

sudahlah...i'm moving on eniweeey~
hoooo~ lagu yg selalu berputar2 saat ini...hmmm
No Pain No Gain - Tohoshinki.
gara2 temen gw jg sih yg sempet blg waktu gw lagi depres2nya..
"kalo lg sedih, jangan dengerin lagu mellow..dengerin deh lagu yg ceria. bagus buat ngebantu jiwa lo bangun."
huaaa....bener sih kata si nenek yah, ga bisa dipungkirin kalo gw sedih gw kudu denger lagu sedih dulu buat ngeluarin semua rasa sakit, sedih, air mata gw...setelah itu lega deh ^^
soalnya, entah sejak kapan gt, kalo gw sedih, gw malah gak bisa nangis..makanya gw dengerin lagu mellow biar nangis, terus lega deh ^^
tp skarang kan dpt pelajaran baru dr si nenek, yah sudah kuikuti saja ^^
and really, it helps..^^
at least pikiran gw menjadi positif ^^
hahaha~ ciri2 sebagian anak psikologi ngobrol yah gini nih hahaha~ gak jauh dr kesehatan mental hahaha~

ooooo~ minna, yorobun, guys...
sudah baca buku SECRETnya Rhonda Byrne???
waaa bagus tuh ^^
tuh buku building your optimisme bgt least for me ^^
intinya yah model2 *the power of Think*
my highly recommended to read ^^
packagenya juga unik, bagus ^^
bacaaaa~!! hahaha~
*sendirinya blm selesai xDDD*

suda ah...
daku laperrrrrrrr~

Blogged @ 8:18:00 PM

i can't deny it anymore...

that i MISSED Him like hell >__<

i hate his silence mode~

^ but that's doesn't mean that i want him back tho~
i just...missed him...that's all.
is that wrong??


jd brasa org paling egois sedunia >___<

ahhh~ i found that this song, separated - Usher, sangat menggambarkan situasi saat ini...
in my love life yaa...hahaha~ paaaaaassss bgt >__<"
i like this song too~

the lyric >>

If love was a bird, then we wouldn't have wings,
If love was a sky, we'd be blue,
If love was a choir, you and I could never sing,
Cuz love isn't for me and you
If love was an oscar, you and I could never win,
Cuz we could never act out our parts
If love is the bible, then we are lost in sin,
Cuz it's not in our hearts

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life
And I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well
And I'll be fine
Cuz we're better off...seperated

If love was a fire, then we have lost the spark,
Love never felt so cold
If love was the light, then we're lost in the dark,
Left with no one to hold
If love was a sport, we're not on the same team,
You and i are destined to lose
If love was an ocean, then we are just a stream,
Cuz love isn't for me and you

Why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life
And I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well
And I'll be fine
Cuz we're better off...seperated

Girl I know we had some good times,
It's sad but now, we gotta say goodbye,
Girl you know I love you, I can't deny,
You can't say we didn't try to make it work for you and I,
I know it hurts, so much but it's best for us,
Somewhere along this windy road you know we lost the trust,
So I'll walk away, so you don't have to see me cry,
It's killing me, so, why don't you go

Cuz we're better off, soooo much beeeeetter off
So much better off...

I'm sorry we didn't make it

yang gw merahin...bener2 samaaa bgt ama apa yg gw rasain..
well, bedanya..maybe it's only me who lost my trust...or better i call it FAITH.

oooh gosh...rasa bersalah ini ngebebanin bgt...
i need to move i HAVE to move on.
i hope he's trully brother ever.
Blogged @ 7:12:00 PM

kyaaa~ baru ganti skin ^^
gimana?? gimana???

soalnya ada yg protes~ katanya tuh blog ko keliatan depressed banget...
ya skinnya, iconnya, apalagi isinya gyahaha~

emang iyah waktu itu lagi depressed hahaha~

but now, i think i passed my mourning phase.
and still, i'm in guilty phase <3 yah kalo yg ini maybe forever he3

i think i'm a bit happy right now..
thanks to 'someone' *haiii~ you know who u are laaa LOL~ i hope ^^*

emang deh tante chika plg ga betah 'sendiri' ha3~ lalala~

haduuuuh~ mabok kopi niiih >___<"
norak banget yak hahaha~
tadi nyoba cafe baru di margonda yg warnanya kuning2 tuh..deket UI..
entah kenapa tuh frapuccino & viena ice coffee keras bgt haha~
yah~ sbgai pelajaran aja deh..
besok2 kalo kesana lg gak mau pesen kopiiiii >____<

ya suda...sekian saja HAHA~

gyaaa~ besok gath sakuraiba~
lalala~ uda lama gak ketemu anak Arashindo~ kangeeeennnn~
yoo~ sampe ketemu besokk yaaa~
Blogged @ 1:42:00 AM


i've found EHB link to download!! kyaaa~
but it's LQ...and flv~
but whatsoever rite??? nyahaha~ it's dongbangjunior anywaayy~

here :

Part 1 -->  080106 Exploration Of The Human Body Part 1[knight-swingz].flv (43.25 MB)

Part 2 -->  080106 Exploration Of The Human Body Part 2[knight-swingz].flv (42.76 MB)

credit to knight-swingz@soompi for uploading it ^^

happy download ^^

Blogged @ 12:44:00 AM


just finished watching EHB!!! Hillarious!!! gyaaaa~
they all were sooooooooo effin funny gyhahaha~
and superduper handsome!! all the 18's people! graaaawwwth

they made 2 episodes for this SUJU vs TVXQ! EHB!
sooo...still have to stay up next week lol~

for this week episode..
first they tried the reflexes games, and yunho look sooo cute with his *huuh?!* face lol~ handsome! oh i can't believe that, on the sliding game, Yoochun has the best reflex among all! it's 1.75 second!! whoaaa~
and then they played Dodgeball or Handball..this one also funny...suju vs tvxq~
argghhh~ i can't explain everything's too late, 1.21AM already nyahaha~
so i'll put the link so you all could watch them...i got this from soompi.

Part 1  and  Part 2

EHB SuperJunior vs TVXQ

ukyaaaa~ met nontoooon!!! >__<"
oops have to warn's LQ so..hehe dun expect much ^^
oh katanya di CB suda ada linknya yah?? gyaaaa~ mawuuu!!

take a notes :
changmin was soooo yummy..and the legs! legs!! OMG!
yunho??? whoaaa~ mr. leader rockz!! nyahaha well except for his "infinity" reflex muahahaha...i love his hair >____<
junsu looks soo happy ^^ and a lot of hyuksu there! ukyaaa~
yoochun...what should i say...He's The Man!! huwaaaa~ Hotties of the day >__<  dunno why, but he looks soooo darn sexy on that show >__<> jaejoong..
yeah well, like everyone's said...he seems quite than usuall, also he looks tired or something..
i love all their hairstyle on that show!! supercool~~!

and for suju??? they're all funny and sparkling~ nyahaha~
my heechul my heechul~ he looks little bit bored or something...but hell he's yummy~ nyahaha~
i love the MC nyahaha~ moron MC~ xDDD

Blogged @ 4:06:00 PM

haha~ grabbed this out from karin's blog who
got this from siszy's..

100 facts about chika chan

1. Name: Riska S******** P********
2. Nicknames: Chika, chika chan
3. Birthday: October 06, 198x LOL~
4. Place of Birth: Lampung~
5. Zodiac Sign: Trully Libra
6. Male or female: fe*male
7. Primary school or High School: hehe~ guess!
8. School: hehe~ c'mon guess~
9. Occupation: so-called-teacher LOL~
10. Residence: indonesia
11. MSN Screen Name: dun have yet, but YM: chika_takeuchi_go
12. Hair Colour: brownie black =D
13. Hair Length: mid
14. Eye color: dark brown
15. Weight: 40 U_U
16. Height: 150*kurang?*-an haha
17. Braces? Nope..
18. Glasses? YEP
19. Piercings: no more T.T
20. Tattoos: Big No No!!
21. Righty or Lefty: righty right

Your 'Firsts'

22. First best friend: Melda, dunno where she is now
23. First Award: 3rd place Kebaya Modelling in kindergarden
24. First Sport You Joined: uhmmm..karate?
25. First pet: xDD
26. First Real Vacation: BALI Island
27. First Concert: Gigi
28. First Love: grade 6 <3


29. Movie:the most is Romeo & Juliet
30. TV programme: not into it
31. Color: pink, sometimes depend on my mood
32. Musician: Need 3 pages to list them lol~
33. Actor/Actress: lots..
34. Song Right Now: Boyz II Men's
35. Friend: everyone!
36. Sweet: chocolate, cake, bubble gum
37. Sport to Play: not into sport really -_-
38. Restaurant: Now? Pizza!
39. Favourite brand: random..
40. Store: centro? & some discount store lol~
41. School: many memories
42. Animal: kitten~
43. Book: harry potter, Raditya Dika's
44. Magazine: Not read them.
45. Shoes: CONVERSE!!


46. Feeling?: depressed lol~
47. Single or Taken?: Single TTT______TTT
48. Have a crush?:!
49. Eating?: yep..rujak haha
50. Drinking?: nopee
51. Typing?: never able to stop xDD
52. Online? yeah..
53. Listening To?: Boyz II men's
54. Thinking About?: someone new haha...jeje??
55. Wanting ?: to be married gyahaha gatelll~
56. Watching?: yep..AAD2
57. Wearing?: Tanktop haha

Your Future

58. Want Kids? 1...or 2 maybe.
59. Want to be married? HAHA don't ask!! *makin gatel*
60. Careers in Mind? PNS. gyahaha...Kindergarden teacher ^^
61. Where do you want to live?: my own house...anywhere.
62. Car?: black BMW xDD

Which is Better With The Opposite Sex?

63. Hair color: black, brown ^^
64. Hair length: short, except jaejoongie haha
65. Eye color: can i get brown?? xDD
66. Measurements: hm...i'll think it later
67. Cute or Sexy?: cute AND sexy <33
68. Lips or Eyes?: Both~ lalala~
69. Hugs or Kisses?: Hugs a looott!
70. Short or Tall?: taller *kedip2*
71. Easygoing or serious?: depend on situation..
72. Romantic or Spontaneous?: spontaneous but romantic for sometime
73. Fatty or Skinny?: healthy xDD
74. Sensitive or Loud?: louddd xD
75. Hook-up or Relationship?: relationship for sure
76. Sweet or Caring?: sweet AND caring =D
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One?: not Both -_-"

Have you ever...

78. Kissed a Stranger?: NOPE
79. Had Alcohol?: hehe
80. Taken Drugs?: BIG NO
81. Ran Away From Home?: intend to with no avail haha
82. Broken a bone?: hmmm Nope
83. Got an X-ray?: so many times
84. Been with someone?: like what?? haha
85. Broken Someone’s Heart: i think i did
86. Broke Up With Someone?: hey,guess what! that was 2 days ago!! *mourn.mode.on*
87. Cried When Someone Died?: yess
88. Cried At School?: yepp

Do You Believe In..

89. God?: With all my heart and Soul
90. Miracles?: Yep~ ^^ 
91. Love At First sight?: hmm yeah~
92. Ghosts?: so
93. Aliens?: hhmm..nothing impossible ^^
94. Soul Mates?: OH Absolutely~
95. Heaven?: YES
96. Hell?: YES
97. Angels?: yepp...i believe in Myself ^^ gyahaha
98. Kissing on The First Date?: NOPE
99. Horoscopes?: haaha sometime i do

Answer Truthfully!

100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't?:
Yes..and i'd set him free...because i choose being with someone I Need, not with someone I want.
Blogged @ 2:48:00 PM

My song today : Boyz II Men Rockz!! HAHA~

gyaaa~ akhirnya berhasil ngedit skin HAHAHA~
setelah ancur berhari2 >__<

aaahhh~ ntah knp, hari ini bawaannya deg2an mulu..gak jelas..
kalo lg diem lgs berasa sedih hiks~
masih berasa "aneh" dengan perasaan menjomblo xD
huaaa~ saia tak biasa sendirii~
pengen punya pacar baruuu!! >___<
uhn, mungkin bukan pacar uhn...orang yg mau nikahin gw cepet2 HAHAHA~
Jaejoooooong!! *faint*
hiks..gini nih jeleknya..pacaran kelamaan, ga pernah lirik sana-sini, stuck sm 1 org slama 8 taun..
jdnya... huaaaa~

uhmmm...keingetan coklat kemaren malem >_<

oia...kemaren malem...
gw berasa bersyukur bgt, punya temen2 yg sangat baik ygmau dengerin dan nemenin gw U_U
thanks buat Hesti beybikuh...meskipun sempet gw cuekin berapa tetep aja dia ada..and moreover she's the first one who willing to lift me up when i was drown in the past week..
also my sister...yeah, meskipun terlihat hmm yeah i know she tried to understand.
and last night, my bestie, medio bela2in dateng cm buat denger gw cerita...hiks~ i love you haneeeyyyy!! and he bought me so darn yummy chocolate cake..huaaaa...katanya, soalnya gw lagi sedih huhuhu~ he even cried with me when i told him the trully friend! love you soooo effin much!
jadi kangen sama Shinta dan Novel >___< A LOT!!!
trus trus...
my chatty pals <33
kayin & nda beybi~
thx yaaa...uda nemenin begadang pas lg mourning HAHAHA
yeppp yeppp saia akan tetap semangat ^^
Gambaru sa~ Hwaitiiing!!
semangat cari The real one LOL~
^tuh kan kayin, gw gatel lagi hahaha~
*cubit kayin* jgn sampe sebutan 'tante gatel' itu menyebar yaa

kemaren itu berasa hari traktiran haha
for lunch, ditraktir temennya Hesti, Jon...
trus pas maleman ditraktir medio HAHAHA~

still wondering, what is he doing there??
does he miss me...
i hope he's fine..
coz i do..i'm doing jussstttt fine~ *kayak lagu boyzIImen HAHA~
well i miss u tho.

Blogged @ 12:53:00 PM


leave my Friends..
...or you'll be bored till dead~


Blogged @ 10:37:00 PM

well now..

we've come to the end of our road.

but you'll always be my soulmate, bestfriend, brother.

i'll always love you..

surely, you have this little part of my heart for yourself, only.

too bad, our fairy tale doesn't have the happy ending...
there's no role couple anymore also! T.T

but i'll never ever regret being yours for these past 8 years.

we have to move on tho...

thanks for everything, and i'm so sorry for everything too.

Blogged @ 8:01:00 PM

Rough translation:

"Seoul= Newcis】

Choikang Changmin(20), the youngest of the group TVXQ had secretely gone to help clean up the oil accident in Chungnam Taean (I think?). Taking a break from TVXQ's Japanese activities, he came back to our country. Choikang Changmin and his father worked together (something about resource services...or just volunteering). Choikang Changmin quietly told his manager that he would be going to help. But a fan had seen him helping out. This fan said that, "I went back to Taean, and it (forecast) was cold. I had looked and was suddenly surprised to see him. I think it was Changmin! Changmin was with his father and I wanted to say something. Changmin and his father were 'suffering?' in the cold." This was written and taken from the internet.

The service makes the world become known and is a moment. (?)

The assigned company SM Entertainment confirmed that "Choikang Changmin had really gone to help and it was secretly done."

Kim Yong Ho"

Credit: dnbn,newsis & Priyanka@soompi (for the trans ^^)

[Me] : huwaaaa~ i'm proud of you minnie!! jaman skrg jarang bgt ada idol yg kerja sosial tanpa mau mempublikasi, well walaupun akhirnya ketauan media jg tehehe~. we all proud of you!!! woowww!! big-heart-idol Changminnie <333
Blogged @ 11:17:00 PM


i wanna start a new life ^^
new me~
try not to turning back~


hmmm...sedang mendengar lagu yg mengingatkan disaat2 kalo lagi berantem
dan sedang berpikir LOL~ biasanya lagu ini cuma buat pengantar kesedihan pas lagi berantem..
pengingat kalo, we still love each other...abis itu mikir, besok mau baekan...hahaha~
tapi...ko sekarang..bukannya jd penenang, malah bikin *HEGH*, keadaan sekarang malah persis kayak apa yg dibilangin dilagu haha~ *laughing.pathetically*
hayooo bingung kan lagunya apa?? hahaha

here's the lyric ::
Title: Boyz II Men - Water Runs Dry

We don’t even talk anymore
And we don’t even know what we argue about
Don’t even say I love you no more
’cause saying how we feel is no longer allowed
Some people will work things out
And some just don’t know how to change

Let’s don’t wait till the water runs dry
We might watch our whole lives pass us by
Let’s don’t wait till the water runs dry
We’ll make the biggest mistake of our lives
Don’t do it baby

Now they can see the tears in our eyes
But we deny the pain that lies deep in our hearts
Well maybe that’s a pain we can’t hide
’cause everybody knows that we’re both torn apart
Why do we hurt each other
Why do we push love away

here's the link for the song if you want to hear :

huaaaa~ it's happen to US  now hiks hiks~

yahh...tapi..mungkin ini yg terbaik, for both of us..
eniwey, the funny thing is..kita belum bener2 "ngobrol" tentang hal ini...
tapi, dari apa yg kamu lakuin skrg [avoiding me-try to run away] i'm going to make final decision for us...karna, if i wait for you to make a sound of something...
it'll take forever...but as i said yesterday, forever never exist....
Let's break this up...
Let's start something new..
the new you, the new me...
no more us, only you and me.


it's soooooooooooo effin hard for i looked back to so many years we've been through together..all the happiness, hurts so bad. but still, we have to face the wont wait for us hubby..
salah satu dari kita harus ambil keputusan, kalo bukan hubby...then it's me, as always..


i love you sooooo much, so damn much like you never imagine i am..
and it hurts me sooo darn great, just to see you running away from this problem, being such an immature man.
we have to stop this hon, stop running away..
let's move on hubby...


aaaahhhh~ wondering why i post this such an emo?? hehehehe...
i  really hard hoping that, my hubby..will read this...(you got my link rite??)
coz, i dont have the strength to talk with him face to face...i will cry tho, and then we'll holding hands and the words "let's forget about it for now. let's stay like this. i love you so much" will come out...and then, we'll stuck over and over again....'re my perfect man everything....
and i should be the one you have to blame for everything..i'm no such a good girlfriend...
i'm a failure...hiks~ i'm so sorry...


soulmate forever???

Quote of the day :

I thought we'd get to see forever. But forever's gone away.
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

-Boyz II Men

Blogged @ 12:12:00 AM

mood : "depressed"
backsound : "pass you by - Boyz II Men"

gw lagi ada disituasi, dimana harus milih antara ego dan superego
needs and harus membuat keputusan for the sake of my future..
it hurts so bad, to found out that i've made his life sucks hehehe...
is that true? what you've wrote on your account...that your life is sucks everysingleday???
was it bcause of me??? because of us?? because of the what we had??
am i your burden???
is this your decision??? avoiding me so i'll leave you alone??? how about the 8 fuckin year??!
so many questions...left with no answer..
well, i heard-read-or whatever so many times that sometimes love doesn't mean for having..
i can't write, explain, say what i really feel these past few days...but, it's really distressed me, which i know it's also distressed you..but, what the used of always Runs from your problems? we have to face it sooner or later..
you know, at first, i really hate mommy for asking me those things bout the future. but more to think, i thought that she's right..
aaaargh, i can't think...
i'm leaving you now..for real..being soulmate wont grant us happiness for the future.
you said, that the way to say goodbye to me? if yes, that would be the final i said, maybe i wont wait forever...yeah, i wont turning back this time...if you ask about will i regret it, well yes i will. but still, i'll move on. i hope...
yeah..not everyone get their happilly ever after ending i guess..and i started to believe that forever never exist.
but i'm soooo happy to ever know love you and being loved sooo much more than i asked from you..for the happiness, sadness, good and bad memories..i love you, and always will.
and i'm so sorry to hurt you..

some lyric of today >>

Written by shawn stockman

She was like nothing Id ever known
Her eyes shine like diamonds in a field of snow
Man. that destiny led her to me
Made her feel that life was now complete

A thousand days have passed
And nights gone by
You can see the glow slowly fading from her eyes
Though she denies her pain and her dismay
Know I said this to her anyway

Dont have to stay with someone that makes you cry
Youll end up killing all the love you have inside
Cant hope to see the sun
If you dont open your eyes
Girl dont let real love pass you by

Ooh oh no
Ooh dont let real love pass you by

I know you are nervous
But take it from me
Cause you deserve so much more than you receive
Listen to your heart and let it show
Dont hold on to your pain
Just let it go, let it go

Dont have to stay with someone
That makes you cry
Youll end up killing all the love you have inside
Cant hope to see the sun
If you dont open your eyes
Girl dont let real love pass you by

Dont have to stay with someone
That makes you cry
Youll end up killing all the love you have inside
Cant hope to see the sun
If you dont open your eyes
Girl dont let real love pass you by

Oh yeah
Girl dont let real love pass you by
You can find a love you need
If you set your heart free
Dont have to stay with someone
That makes you cry
Dont be discouraged baby
Dont let real love pass you by

Dont have to stay with someone
That makes you cry
Youll end up killing all the love you have inside
Cant hope to see the sun
If you dont open your eyes
Girl dont let real love pass you by

Dont have to stay with someone
That makes you cry
Youll end up killing all the love you have inside
Cant hope to see the sun
If you dont open your eyes
Girl dont let real love pass you by

Dont you let nothing
Dont let no one take you away from love
Dont let real love pass you by
Youll see I know, I know, I know
Youll be alright
Dont let real love pass you by
You just can believe in love, in love, in love, in love
Dont let real love pass you by

PS : i Hope you read this.. 

i love you...and always will..there's a little hope in me for us to never separated..only hope...

quote of the day :
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
William Shakespeare

That Blogger
Name: chika chan ^^
Age: xx year old HAHA~
Horoscope: Truly Libra
Pretty Boys <3
YunJae - Nani Nena
This & that.

I took a Note on this quote :
"I do believe that sometimes when you love a person so much, love become an insignificant thing and you would learn to gradually let it go."
Craving For
# Wisdom, Knowledge and Talents
# TVXQ "O"-Encore Concert DVD
# Tohoshinki 3rd 'T' album <3
# Getting married~ HAHA~
# 8 students in a week >__<
# Piano Lesson
# Japanese Lesson
# Korean Lesson
# Belajar Poto
# Besta Pinkie Electronic Dictionary
# New Camera
# New Handphone
# Nintendo DS Pink
# Harry Potter 7 indo version HC
# Harry Potter Promotion T-Shirt!
# NEW Boyfriend!!
# SIMS 2!!
Screaming :D

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix


Big Runga - Sway

Ayame chan ♥
Gunkie ♥
Kalinn* ♥
Lihaa* ♥
Lola ♥
Susu ♥
Monk ♥
Beybi&Friends' ♥
Inda'cintaku' ♥
Rii ♥
Siszy ♥
Combroku ♥
CCI blog <33 ♥
princesspink ♥
raditya dika ♥
The Memories
x November 2007
x December 2007
x January 2008
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