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♥ Enakei } {

Blogged @ 1:23:00 PM

oh iya...

kemaren gw janji mau Post pic2 Thai conc yah??
maap maap seribu maap ^^

saia jd malas ngepost potonya...

gara2 kemaren 5x nyoba post...postannya ilang mulu >___<

maap yaahh...can't keep my promise ^^
Blogged @ 12:58:00 PM

Mood : Happy as always kkkk~
Music :
Evergreen - TVXQ

kemaren abis gath kecil2an di Margo ama anak FTI cabang depok xDD
eh gak smua anak depok deh haha~
kayaknya lebih tepatnya, gath CCI featuring Tiwie n Ndy deh HAHAHA~
seperti biasa..maen rampok2kan HD! LOL~
uda gitu saia nemu puisi ini di salah satu foldernya Liha Ichan~

Aku Dimakamkan Hari Ini

Perlahan, tubuhku ditutupi tanah,
perlahan, semua pergi meninggalkanku,
masih terdengar jelas langkah-langkah terakhir mereka,
aku sendirian, di tempat gelap yang tak pernah terbayang,
sendiri, menunggu keputusan...

Istri, belahan hati, belahan jiwa pun pergi,
Anak, yang di tubuhnya darahku mengalir, tak juga tinggal,
Apatah lagi sekedar tangan kanan, kawan dekat, rekan bisnis, atau orang-orang lain,
Aku bukan siapa-siapa lagi bagi mereka.

Istriku menangis, sangat pedih, aku pun demikian,
Anakku menangis, tak kalah sedih, dan aku juga,
Tangan kananku menghibur mereka,
kawan dekatku berkirim bunga dan ucapan,
tetapi aku tetap sendiri,
disini, menunggu perhitungan ...

Menyesal sudah tak mungkin,
Tobat tak lagi dianggap,
dan ma'af pun tak bakal didengar,
aku benar-benar harus sendiri...

Tuhanku, (entah dari mana kekuatan itu datang, setelah sekian lama aku tak lagi dekat dengan-Nya),
jika Kau beri aku satu lagi kesempatan,
jika Kau pinjamkan lagi beberapa hari milik-Mu,
beberapa hari saja...
Aku akan berkeliling, memohon ma'af pada mereka,
yang selama ini telah merasakan zalimku,
yang selama ini sengsara karena aku,
yang tertindas dalam kuasaku,
yang selama ini telah aku sakiti hatinya
yang selama ini telah aku bohongi
Aku harus kembalikan, semua harta kotor ini,
yang kukumpulkan dengan wajah gembira,
yang kukuras dari sumber yang tak jelas,
yang kumakan, bahkan yang kutelan.
Aku harus tuntaskan janji-janji palsu yg sering ku umbar dulu.

Dan Tuhan,
beri lagi aku beberapa hari milik-Mu,
untuk berbakti kepada ayah dan ibu tercinta,
teringat kata-kata kasar dan keras yang menyakitkan hati mereka,
maafkan aku ayah dan ibu,
mengapa tak kusadari betapa besar kasih sayangmu ...

beri juga aku waktu,
untuk berkumpul dengan istri dan anakku,
untuk sungguh-sungguh beramal soleh,
Aku sungguh ingin bersujud dihadapan-Mu,
bersama mereka ...

begitu sesal diri ini,
karena hari-hari telah berlalu tanpa makna penuh kesia-siaan,
kesenangan yang pernah kuraih dulu,
tak ada artinya sama sekali ...

mengapa ku sia-siakan saja,
waktu hidup yang hanya sekali itu,
andai ku bisa putar ulang waktu itu ...

Aku dimakamkan hari ini,
dan semua menjadi tak terma'afkan,
dan semua menjadi terlambat,
dan aku harus sendiri,
untuk waktu yang tak terbayangkan ...

( Asri Nurhayati)

takuuuutt!! >___________<"
merinding bacanya~
Blogged @ 9:33:00 PM


uda brapa kali post pikku!!

ilang molooo!!

males bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt~~~!!

Blogged @ 10:43:00 PM

Mood : Distracted >___<


saia kecewa banget sama org yg uda saia anggep adek >__<"
gak nyangka kalo dia bakal seperti itu..
ngomongin org dibelakang..padahal, apa sih yg gak gw kasih?
yah emang si...beberapa bulan ini saia agak males sm dia n the gank... abisnya gak sopan >__<" awalnya saia maklum aja...toh mereka masih kecil. tapi kalo udah si mama yg ngomong, duh jd kepikiran...
kata mama, kalo mereka kerumah itu gak sopan..gak pernah pamit ato negor..
udah gt...kalo minta donlotan ato apa gt yg baru..mintanya kayak yg gw punya utang ajah.. tanpa basa basi...cuma bilang,
"onnie, besok ada dirumah gak? aku mau kerumah nih. aku belum punya MV forever love." well, dooh! maksudnyaaaaa???? gw mesin donlot looo gituuuh??!!
dan ini berulang kali terjadi. dan soal kerumah, kesannya agak maksa gt...

dan sekarang..yg bikin kecewa..
tadi adek gw blg..kalo temennya dia, yg juga temennya si X (namain aj org itu X), sms adek gw...bilang,
"mang napa ga bs ke Thai? ga punya duit? knapa ga gadein HP lg? hehehe skrg aku udh tau semua ttg onni dr X, hehe ga detail bgt sih. cm sdikit."
anjriiiiiiiiiiiiit!!! maksud looooo?????
trus adek gw bales, "hah? gadein hp?? -lupa apa lg-"
lalu dia bales lg, "ya katanya onni pernah sampe gadein HP onni chika bwat dateng ke konser Paran ya kan? Onni pas liat changmin, bilang 'tinggal dkt lg'hahaha parah ni pikirannya Yaoi."

org gila~ lo baca gak tuh smsnya?? kesannya dia yg udah tauuuuuu banget soal gw berdua, yg nyatanya SALAH BESAR! well, kecuali yg yaoi sih..
kapan juga gw bilang kalo gw ngeGADAI HP buat nonton konser??!!!!! orang gila!
ya ampuuuun kali gituuuu niat banget gw ampe jual HP, scara gw jg ga kenal2 amat ama Paran waktu nonton xDD jawabannya ya NGGAK LAAAAAH!!!
emang sih wkt itu gw sempet bercanda2 ama adek gw dan hesti temen gw di UI, ada dia n the gank jg,
gw bilang "huaaaa paran mo dateng~ gak punya duiittt~ apa gadein HP aja nih?"
trus adek gw bales, "apa leptop aja nih jual? xDDD" dan abis itu gw tertawa terbahak2~

mungkin mereka pikir itu beneran kali yah? aduuuh dek, inosen apa bloon?! malu deh gw, tau kalo kalian itu alumni SMP Favorit di Depok, yg notabene Junior gw!!!

sumpah gw kecewa banget..
apa sih yg gak gw kasih ke mereka...
tanpa minta barter pula! mengingat mereka jg emang kayak gak niat ngasih gw!
tiap kerumah, pasti gw kopiin yg baru2 ato apapun...
YES! balesannya booooo!! Indah!
ada jg mereka yg pelit bgt ama diri sndiri...bawa cd blank aja ampe irit2~ pdhl buat dia sndiri, gratis pulaaa!! what the~
gak modal amaaat~

gw yakin banget masih banyak yg diomongin ama dia...gak tau deh apa..
tp td gw sms X, cm bilang
"Titi ngomong apa aja sama iya'? wah gak nyangka yah Titi kayak gitu. br tau."
dan dia bales, blg kalo dia ga ngerti...blablabla...haaaa~ malaaaassss~
tp entah knp, malah gw jd ngrasa ga enak dia smsin nanya2 soal apa, dia ga ngerti blablabla~

uuuuh~ masi brasa banget kecewanya...
mereka ituh...nganggep gw berdua itu miskin banget kali yah, termasuk yg sms adek gw! xDDD
lah truuuusss kalo gw berdua miskiin, napa masih minta *ato malak?* ke gw data2 Donlotan??? knp gak usaha nyari? atau donlot sendiri??? ato BELI mungkin?! 
laluuuuu~ waktu Paran, kenapa gak ikutan nonton???
gw emang jaraaaaaaaaang bgt beli ori, tp gw usaha donlot! ato barter sama temen gw! baca tuh dek, BARTER! apalagi? All About Dongbang?? gw akan beli, PASTI! yah mungkin emang gak sekarang ato kemaren pas preorder, karna, gw udah membiayai hidup gw sendiri! dan masih banyaaak keperluan laen yg lebih penting. yah setidaknya, gw uda membajetkan buat purchase tuh DVD! gak minta yaahhh~ lalalala~

gila, kayaknya gw ikutan gila nih..
anak kecil booo
napa gw sewot yah? xDDD
masih kelas 1 SMA! xDDDD
ini mah gwnya yg oon gyahaha~

well ok, i think, it's final then. i won't give you anything any more ever again!!
enough of these shit! lgpl, mrk jg kayak yg ga ngehargain sih...
mulai saat ini, saia akan menyetop supplyan ke mereka xDD ONLY!
terima kasih atas kerjasamanya selama ini ^^

Blogged @ 4:00:00 AM

i saw dbsk concert pics everywhere!!
ohmygoshh!! they're soooo soooo darn handsome and HOT!!
uuhh...really want to share it here..
but, i have to upload it myself, bcoz it said on soompi "No HOTLINK" nyhehehe, aaaand the net is sucks, how bout tomorrow??
aaaah~ i think bfore i post it you guys are already find it somewhere nyehehe~

oh oh...
i read bout SOULMATE's Tattoo and the evidences...
someone's already found out that..Yoochun's is not TVXQ MAte!
it looks like TVfXQ MYC or like some other said it was TVfXQ MUC...
MYC for Micky Yoo Chun??? or Micky U Chun???
hmmm~ i felt a little bit disappointed, coz all this time..i thought they have Soul Mate tattoo~ hiks..
but that's least, they both, ChunJae, possessed same things lolz~

and the concert...they said it was VERY AWESOME!! omaigaaaaaaawsh!!! i'm soooooo darn envious!!! hiks~ i want to be Rich~ hiks~

ow bout my teaching life? Lolz~

today, i ate a lot of yummy snacky~ nyamnyam~
oh and i ate 'Ddokk' one of korean snackeyy  yummmyyy~ but sadly, i only ate ONE, coz my stingy, bad, annoying yet more handsome than bfore *lolz*, ate the Rest!!! aaaarrrrgh~!!

i was a little bit upset today..bcoz, MinJu and PilHwan spent 40minutes by talking and talking and pretend to be sick (this one goes to MinJu >__<) sooo, the lesson was soooo much not effective, and i don't like that..*sigh* well, we talked about many their experiences on their FUN DAY on friday etc..Fun, but...too much talking...lolz~
i was upset and talked, nearly screamed, to make her stop playing...ooouh i was really regretting it actually, but they really didn't look at me as a teacher!!!

but for Joo Yeon, i actually let her speak..coz, her english is a little hmmm...yeah, let say...not really good hehehe~ there's funny one. we have a workbook, like some diary she have to write. and yesterday, she wrote about library...and she spell library to "Libary" lolz~ and again, she wants to write something like LOUDLY...but she spell it "Pudly" lolz~ sooo cute...


oh heyyy~ my new car had arrived yesterday!! YAY! nyehehe~ finally~! fiuuhh~ i thought, bcoz it'd took a long long week for the seller send our car to our house, i thought he ran away with my dad's money LOLz~ thank God he didn't~ lolz~
and the looks...hmmm...nice~ but i, still no matter what, prefer the previous car lolz~ but ohwell...hehehe~

oh oh oh...also, i ate clay pot Ramen too for dinner...and after one big bowl, i still felt hungry lolz~
i think i'm going to make one more bowl just now lolz~

ahahahaha~ don't you think i am too much laughing today?? lolz ---> nah again! xDD
yeah...dunno why...and i've just get some insight..what if i change my name into Felicity?? lolz~ coz i'm laughing too much lolz~ what do you think??? kkkk~

aaaa~ i'll stop rambling~ my stomach growl...nyamnyam...i'm gonna eat Kimchi Ramyun~ lalala~ want some minna???

Quote of the day :

"There was never yet philosopher that could endure the toothache patiently"
Much Ado, Act v, Sc.1

Blogged @ 2:09:00 PM

waaa~ it's december 15 already ^___^

Saengil Chukae uri JUNSU!! <333

sekarang lg pada antri buat nonton Thai conc mungkin yah ~ huaaaaa i'm envious!!!
can't wait for the report~! it's junsu's bday anywayyy~


hmm... for today... i dunno what to write nyehehe~
oh yesterday, finally, i've made friend with my new student ^^ yappariii~~
she's cute..but i'd sense that she'll be like MinJu all in all...spoiled..xDD
but that's okay..i love being loved and needed ^^
well anyway, i don't know what's with me that makes her always laughing..
and the worst thing, she can't even stop!! ohmy~ so we spent last 15minutes of the lesson laughing off of nothing LOL~ well, actually, she was.
oh her name..yah yah..her name is Kang Joo Yeon
very cute~ yesterday was my 3rd for the lesson..and guest what, the day before, the 2nd lesson it was..she asked me a bluntly question...
JY : "hmm...what's your name?"
Me just like ... O_o" ... "you don't know my name?? i've told you yesterday~ my name is chika..."
JY : "oooh hehehehe~ chika..your name is like *right here, she acted like brushing her teeth* chkchkchk~ hahaha"
Me : =_='' "yeah i know...minju told me before~"

after that.we talked..i told her that i like DBSK, she goes, "really??" and i said, "uh hu...i like Jaejoong *insert.big.grin*" ...and then i knew that she like DBSK too, jung yunho it is.

and know what..she's already lives in Indonesia for almost 11years...ohmy~

so far...i like her ^^ despite of she called me "Mr. chika" just now~
even, my other student, minju..called me "chiki or miss chiki"


enough for now...
i'm going out to meet my beloved friends! yeay!! missed them A LOT!!
see you...tonight? LOL~


Quotes of the day~

"Can one desire too much of a good thing?". - (As You Like It : Act IV, Scene I).
William Shakespeare.

Blogged @ 10:32:00 PM

i get this from TVXQ-Indo...

TVXQ tampil di acara super junior

group TVXQ yang sedang melakukan aktivitas di luar negeri,akan tampil di acara SBS TV "good sunday-explores the human body"
acara ini dipandu oleh super junior

pihak SBS mengatakan "acara ini akan ditayangkan pada tanggal 25 desember dan 6 januari."

pihak SBS juga menambahkan "respon terhadap acara ini semakin bagus, dan diharapkan saat TVXQ tampil respon acara ini akan semakin bagus lagi,karena TVXQ sudah lama tidak tampil di korea maka diharapkan melalui acara ini dapat memuaskan hati para fans "

credit : ohmicky+tvxqindo
founder+trans indo : melvia_selina@tvxqindo

YAY!! senangnyaaa~ they're back on the show! YAY!! duuuh gak sabar nunggunya...katanya ni acara lucu banget soalnyaaa~


again, i found another funny facts bout beloved TOHO kkkkk~
i got it from JunSu Cafe Forum~ these facts, i think it's kinda old...but FUN~ read read ^^

>> Once, yunho and jaejoong had a fight. Changmin was so afraid of the arguments, he didn't dare to come between the two. Micky was nowhere to be seen. Junsu tried to interfere but the two kept on fighting verbally. With nothing else to do, Junsu hugged Yunho and pushed him away from Jaejoong. Yunho still won't bugged. Junsu was really helpless that he cried. Yunho and jaejoong saw him and stopped fighting.  
[me : LOL~ junsu angel~ LOL~ even the brothers can't stand his tears..where's Chunnie anyway~ was he, the reason that made this couple fight?? *can't.stop.yaoiing xDD*]

>> Jaejoong would always tease Changmin until the latter cried. When somebody asked him why the boy cried, he would tell them that junsu and changmin fought.
[me : that's my boy~ LOL!! now i know why Min always hit Jae sooo darn hard~ revenge baby revenge~]

Jaejoong and Junsu once had the same color toothbrushes that they used the each other's toothbrush.
[me : LOL~]

Jaejoong and Junsu even borrowed each other's underwear.
[me : superLOL~ i hope they're not borrowed each other's girlfriend too~]


gilaaa~ belom tidur jam segini...
padahal besok ada ujian PSIKOLOGI KOGNITIF dan kudu belajar di perpus...
sorenya, eh siangnya kerja~
bener2 deh...saia kudu benerin pola hidup dan pola tidur T__T ohGo~d~!


quotes of the day~

"One day you will ask me which is more important? my life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life." -
-- Khalil gibran

Blogged @ 5:19:00 PM

i found this on LJ *it's yunnieshii's LJ*

hohoho~ who's the name Jae??? LOL~

surely, if YunJae is real and mpreg's happened...
the babyborn is a *thing* too LOL~
Jae and Yunnie mixed together and become one of the cutest creature ever <333

me support you guys, Jae! Yun! go make some love!!
Blogged @ 2:37:00 AM

hiks~ i felt so saaad~

as i walked around every dbsk forum...i always found something posted about this Kay girl who had passed away on december 2nd...i never know her actually, but it seems like everybody loves i read in every post. i think she was a wonderful person. bcos of my curiousity, i've read all what she'd wrote, comments and all. and i thought like, wow, everyone's right, she's surely was a smart and nice person.

and tonight, when i spied around bww2 forum. i saw the topic for links that she made. and there's her last message she'd posted which was about only have 9 more days and all..i was like, 'tough girl she was~'. and then i saw somebody posted her last message from her journal, she posted it about 2days bfore the lost..and suddenly, i felt like crying..
how come this person, which i so much don't know, made me feel down with her death.
she's a wonderful person..and everybody loves her..
i envy her..

i quote some words from her message,
"There's a greater prize waiting for us, but you'll have to earn it."
well, i think, every words she'd wrote always has a meaning..
she have no idea how the words she wrote affected some people, including me...

yet, i never know her.

i envy her..she'd successfully live her life for good~

i really wants to be like her..
ninggalin dunia ini nggak sia sia..
at least, she'd made people happy with her contributions and all.
really tough girl too~

i hope she's in heaven, smiling now..^^

ohmy~ i so much envy her U_U
i want to be remembered too when i'm gone.
i wanna be the one-of-the-good-thing-that-happen-in-life for people surrounding me too~

i pray for you too girl~
Blogged @ 3:31:00 AM

i read it...on JJK~

that, THSK are going to do their 3rd Live Tour in Japan early next year..

it's planned that they will start their 3rd live tour on march 19 until may 3rd.

the 3rd album not release yet, but the concert schedule already comes out! ohmy~

i they get their holiday next year?? *am.worried*

jd pengen nyulik mereka, ajak ke bali >____<"

off to sleep~
----skrg beneran xDDD
Blogged @ 11:33:00 PM

my music todayy : Evergreen - TVXQ
my state todayy : Home, without Jaejoong for the first time..

hey look what i found!!
i found this on Jaejoong's Kitchen Forum ^^ so i felt like to post it on the blog..
well, it'll help us get to know each other ne kekekek~

1. Name: chika
2. Username: chika_matsumoto [Arashindo], Hime_chi [TI & Sunes], Bakabon~* [FTIi], Bakabon33 [JJK, SSC, LJ]
3. Birthday: October 6, 198X kekekekek~~
4. Birthplace: Lampung
5. Current Location: Indonesia
6. Eye Color: dark chocolate
7. Hair Color: black
8. Height: 150 cm -an xDD
9. Right Handed or Left Handed: Right~
10. Your Heritage: indonesian
11. The Shoes You Wore Today: usuall shoes~ xDD
12. Your Weakness: so much lazy, unpunctual, and too CUTE! LOLZ~
13. Your Fears: GOD, Snake, High places, Dufan
14. Your Perfect Pizza: now it's cheese pizza xD *blamed.pilhwan*
15. Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: on 2008 maybe? uhm Graduate from Psy. it's been too long~
16. Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: *XDDDDDDD* kekekekek
17. Thoughts First Waking Up: what time is it? eh, phone!
18. Your Best Physical Feature: i like my Eyes ^^
19. Your Bedtime: i'm on my insomniac state now T.T
20. Your Most Missed Memory: uh uh...i forgot xDD
21. Pepsi or Coke: Coke please~
22. MacDonalds or Burger King: uh uh...can i have both?? xD
23. Single or Group Dates: Dates with freedom like single xDD
24. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton will be nice ^^
25. Chocolate or Vanilla: Both!!
26. Cappuccino or Coffee: Both also!
27. Do you Smoke: Nope~
28. Do you Swear: Sometimes xD
29. Do you Sing: yuppie, i just did it right now xDD
30. Do you like to write: yup..but i'm more good at reading xDD
31. Are you into art: uhm..not really xD i'm uncreative person..
32. Who are your favourite bands/singers: TVXQ and Arashi, others come after ^^
33. What type of music do you like: RnB, pop, hiphop~
34. Do you Shower Daily: ehehehe~ honestly nope LOLZ
35. Have you Been in Love: Now i am ^^
36. Do you have any piercings: yap, for earings xD
37. Do you want to go to College: already, i should get out from it right away U_U"
38. Do you want to get Married: Yep~ but not too obsessed like Mom Xb
39. Do you belive in yourself: yes and no
40. Do you get Motion Sickness: Sometimes..
41. Do you think you are Attractive: Kinda~ gyahahaha~
42. Are you a Health Freak: i think, No hehe~
43. Do you get along with your Parents: absolutely~
44. Do you like Thunderstorms: NoNo!
45. Do you play an Instrument: Nope U_U'
46. In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Nope
47. In the past month have you Smoked: Nope, i have lung sickness something something xD
48. In the past month have you been on Drugs: NO!
49. In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yessuuu~ >////<
50. In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yep~
51. In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Nope
52. In the past month have you eaten Sushi: uh Nope, it's last month..
53. In the past month have you been on Stage: kyakyakya~ NOO~
54. In the past month have you been Dumped: Thanks God, NOpe
55. In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Ohmy NO! is it something related to bulemia >_<
56. In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Yes, i've stole my Soulmate's heart xD
57. Ever been Drunk: Hehe~ so so~
58. Ever been called a Tease: so so~
59. Ever been Beaten up: yeah~ and i hate that boy xDD
60. Ever Shoplifted: Noooo~
61. How do you want to Die: while asleep, after doing good things and pray hard
62. What do you want to be when you Grow Up: good teacher, also children's psychologist
63. What country would you most like to Visit: Japan, Korea, France, Australia
64. Did you enjoy this quiz: uhmm~ so so~ xDDD
65. Picture of you :

huaaaaaaaaahhh so many~ >___<
Try it guys ^^


Today, i joined 2 new's Su Su Cafe and Jaejoong's Kitchen..
i like these forums..esp. JJK ^^ well you know whyyy~
the people are nice too~
so many stuff there...oh SSC din Hide anything in the forum xDDD..

if you have time..klik the link on my blog and play around there~ ^^
fun fun fuuun~


yesterdaaay~ my phone died~ hiks~ my Esia which i named Jaejoong phoney~ hiks...
it's bcoz the rain was veerryyy hard yesterday, and my phoooneeeyyy~ the water came inside my bag and killed my jaejoong phoneeyyy~ hiks~
i'm still mourning now, minna~ hiks~ PHONEEEEYYYY!! come back hereeee!!


uh..too much for today~ i'm off ^^
Blogged @ 12:14:00 AM

just want to talk bout sumthin...

huaaa~ read sum news in soompi today >_<"
they said, yunno junsu yucun got some messages from someone as a critics >_<
i forgot apa yg diomongin..
yang pasti buat si yunno, dia ngomongin soal dancenya yang katanya mendingan Seven, yunno kudu belajar lg..
kalo junsu, dia blg supaya junsu jgn ngedate ama org yg kerja brg dia..asumsi anak soompi sih si Bora~
trus Yucun, she talked about something to change yang berhubungan ama personalities, childish..or something like that...
YAH! she looks like she have very very close relation with them and so much know Them inside out >_< sampe bs mengkritik seperti itu xDDD~
she's soooooo superdupertriple Funny xDD~

and another one about what happen during Beijing Showcase..that,
yunno vomitted..changmin sprawled on the floor, yoochun sat on the corner, jaejoong sat on the chair far away from fans sight..and junsu who happened to held his tiredness for he had to do another performance...and they all look sooo tired..
dunno what to say about this...
they need some breath, space and privacy for at least 2weeks i think hehe~
maybe they can come to Bali for holiday??? hu? xDDD
i just felt kinda pity them..
oh well but its their choice for become this huge ^^
so, i think they're fine with it..
I felt sooooooo much grateful to be their fans, a cassiopeia~
they surely gave their best for Fans..^^
but's too much though...and like my daddy always say that everything that is too much is not good
soo it's included..loving them too much is not good either *glared to cassiopeia who bullied YooJoon*

*read my post once more*
ohmy~ this is rambling xDDDD~
ignore it minna~

oh today...we managed to see our new car ^^ it's not that good but at least we have one now ^^ still, i missed my old car..and i just remember that i forgot to put my sujunesia sticker off from the car hiks~
and this Matic ^^ sooo it's easy for woman, my brother said. and i'm planning to learn how to drive this sunday ^^ also, my daddy agreed that me and bro could own it if we get a new car in the future, and i hope it's SOON ^^

i love my family for the laughter they share for me every single day, even when we're on the Down state like now ^^

going to sleep now~
i'll see you...soon it is ^^
Blogged @ 5:55:00 AM

i found some pic from Soompi...
there's a boy name YooJoon who looks like Joongie, and when i saw him..
WoW~ yeah...he's positively look like Joongie in some ways..maybe eyes or something...but i read there, that this young man had been bullying by some Cassiopeia.i mean, BAD Cassiopeia..just because he looks like Joongie.
well, honestly..i kinda have a crush on this YooJoon hihihi~ he's cute though~
so, what's the problem if he have same face as Joongie?? *DOOH~
sometimes, i just don't understand how some FANS use their brain to think...sigh.., this YooJoon, is a member of New BoyBand named *I The Tri Top*
they quite talented i think (i only heard one of their song up until now hehe -still downloading though ^^)'re cool~ ^^

here's the pic so you can tell wether Joongie and YooJoon resembles or not ^^

and here's YooJoon's pic...

Free Image Hosting at

* Name : 장유준 Jang Yoojoon
* Speciality : Dishwashing, Hanging laundry
* D.o.B : July 2, 1988
* Blood Type : O
* Height, Weight : 178cm, 60kg young~ seumur Changmin <33 but he look a lot more 'mature' than his age..but still....cute! xD
.......HAHAHA~ specialitynya unik ^^ gyahahaha~ hanging laundry~ xDD

.credit Pics to Soompi.
Blogged @ 1:32:00 AM

current feeling : melancholic~
current music  : evergreen - TVXQ

Pictures Everyoneee~~

credit to Sompi ^^

this pics are from SM Town Winter 2007...
oooh~ junsu looks adorable here <33 and dun even asked bout Joongie~
uuuhh...those yummy-i-wanna-eat-it-all-Lips~ hmmm...xDDD

oh another pic...
actually these people below are my current crush~ xDD
they all look sooo~ sparkling~ xD

Mizushima Hiro

first time i saw him...hmmm...don't felt too exciting..but more i put my attention on him...
hmm..he really looks like Matsu Jun in some ways xDDD~ except, he looks younger and, should i say, more messy?? in a good way though..

Nakajima Yutto
omg~ i'm so much into pedophil these days xDDD~ yutto chan looks resembles to Takky mix with Yamapi and also Matsu Jun xDD don't you think?? maybe that's why i like him ^^

alright..Lasto pikku~

young Matsu Jun <333

omaigaawt..i think i'm in Love for the Nth time with him...
i just sooooo much love to see him during his youth age.
does he looks so adorably handsome??
i saw those celebrity aura even on that age...Wow~

-off to sleep-
Blogged @ 1:35:00 AM

current mood : overexciting ^^
current music : Rainy Night - Junsu THSK *don't ask me xb*
current state  : Jae's sweet-warm-relaxing embrace

ow oww~

felt soo happy yesterday~ why? uhm bcoz..i've got a good news~ finally..i have a new stue~ yay hehehe
she's minju's friend actually. oww so happy~ we're going to start the lesson on next monday..same schedule as minju..but she lives in Raffles Hill, which is more cost for OJEK xDD~
but, well, minju and pil also going to move there on this late, oh well hehe~ need to count more bout the transport thingy~
but today, i didn't meet pilhwan~ he really had a new Math lesson on friday..soo maybe we'd only met twice a week from now on...sigh..that annoying kiddo, sumtimes made me feel kinda missed him when he's not around hehehe~

uhhh...yesterdaay..was Hesti's bday~ omedetto honeeeyyy~ we held a pizza party xDD at first, only 2 of us..but icha came so it's become 3 of us xDD~
ooowww~ i'm in love with cheesy pizza now xDD blame pilhwan whose makin' me like this~ .sigh.

wooops~ i've to go~ need to finish my paper for tomorrow's meeting~
wish me luck minna~ ^^

yey yey~ so happy~


i heard that my daddy's already bought a new car! HORAAYYY!! finally~
daddy's got a new's Soluna, my sissy said..ohwell, at least we have one now hehe..and daddy will stop suffering from taking a bus for work ^^

sooo happy~ *even i heard another news, that was about some person whose actually managed to get my daddy's old positions, and sure he got it now...but it's his wifey whom made some wicked action~ what an ass-kisser-wifey!! ooouugh screwed them!*

okay okay...
i'm off now!! hehe~
Blogged @ 4:42:00 AM

ahahaha~ i forgot~

did i mention that i have other bestfriend who have a similar problem with my friend down there?? yuppie~
kinda different tho', bcoz this other friend is a woman..xDD
and actually, she's not lesbian...BUT, she's the victim who made her [just-know-bout-it]-lesbian friend got into a BIG BIG Quarell xDDD~ sooo funny~ one of them got some jealousy toward my friend hahahaha~
but it's freaky though...considering that we, me and my friend, had an addiction to Yaoi fanfic and sometimes act like lovers xDDD~ uuuuuhh~ maybe that's the cause for that one of the couple think that my friend is lesbiian too xDDD

oooh~ my life seems sooooooo interesting nowadays~ ^^

oh..another funny stuff happened yesterday~ xDD
i dunno what's goin' on..suddenly ichan send me said :
"chika-chan, kan ada yg sayang ma chika-chan"
xDDD what does it means baby dongsaeng??
do you have something to talk with me???

sooo nice~
i feel like i still have many friends who care for me~
considering there's someone who happen to be my 'bestfriend' called me betrayer and liar because of helping her desperately mom and brother to found out where she is...and i even don't know she never comeback home for more than 1 month~
rambling again~

i'll shut up now..

cuz i'm sooo happy happy~

PS : my grandmother is going to HAJI in 4 hours from now ^^ hope she'll be ok there~ 
Blogged @ 3:31:00 AM

current music : Shine - THSK
current mood : xDD

minna~ suddenly i remembered something~
so many weeks friend, told me some problem that bothered him a lot..
well, he said. i have to shut my mouth but, if i want, i can post it on my blog hehe..
and i never did until now..
coz my other bestfriend had had same problem with him..

this is about how confused he was for someone's feeling toward him..
well it started with one glorious birthday present from that person, let say XX *ok, not so creative -i know*. that present cost a lot. and my friend thought that it's too much for only a gift from friend *wink2*. plus, this gift were something that he's been dreaming about.
he then questioning XX intention by giving him such a so-much-over-expensive-he thought present. 'it's a waaayyyy too much, for to be a cool present from a friend', he said.
and then, he told me that maybe..XX gave him those to replying the attention my friend has given to XX for XX birthday before..yet, he just told me, 'well, actually, before..on XX's bday, i gave some watch which XX wanted, and sure it's little bit expensive...BUT not expensive than the present he gave me'.
sooo...he seems kinda feel not right if the reason of those oh-so-expensive-present is to given back what my friend used to give for him. ---> you know what i mean?? **
he told me that, actually, he have this tiny-little-crush on XX..hehe~ that's why he looks annoyed to think that the gift is only 'an attention from friend' or some 'given-back present'.
he asked me what to do~ should he ask XX about XX's intention for the present..which mean, at least for me to think, it's a not-so-straightly confession ^^
my reason to think that it's same as confession..humm...well it looks like when he asking about the reason for giving him such a present, it sounds like "uhmm XX, why you gave me those thing?? do you like me??" xDDD it looks like he wants to know XX's feeling toward him...and usually if someone asked that thing, he seems to have 'a feeling' for that person...well it's only what i think xDD
and it seems kinda difficult situation for him because..this XX we've talked meant to be in the same gender as my friend, which is Male..xDD
so it means....Him x Him.....or, Yaoi xDD~ woohoooo~

ne minna..that's why i told you, the situation was difficult..COZ, we just don't know if XX happen to be hmm~ hard to say..let's just say..Yaoi...or not..yet. what if he's straight?? what if he just want to give something special for my friend??
aaaannd..what if he,actually, put some 'intention' on it?? aaa~ both are too confusing.
well, in Moslem and maybe other religions, same gender relationship are not allowed.

but my friend still curious bout it. i told him some quote i knew.."curiousity kills the cat"...but still, he keeps mentioning that he needs to find the answer.

oh, once, i asked him, are you sure that he likes men too?? he said, i dont know..yet. but he said again, "what do you expect your mind to think if there's someone giving you a present that cost so much higher than 500k rupiah for your birthday. even if he's your friend??? you'll questioning it right??"

oooh geez~ yeah~ i will questioning it xDD~

but, i just dunno what to say about that anymore..
does any of you have something on your mind to share with me??
i just dunno anymore..
in the other side i want him to be happy *did i mention that he really had this tiny-little-crush on that person?*..
but more to think of it..they have same gender~ and our country still have this taboo thingy, also it's a sin for Moslem *which i think it's kinda cool tho' xDD kills me!*

aaaaa~ honeeeyyy~ look..your problem had just killing me now xD~ but ii really wabts to help youuu~ i know it's hard to have some curiousity in mind but not to be able to finding it out..but..uhhhhh~ confuse~

yeah..if you guys have something on your mind for this situation..speak it out will you? hehe~

oh you know my first reaction when i found out that XX is actually a man..was like "ohmygod~ it's so cool~ really?? WOW~" xDDDDD~ crazy huh? gyahahaha~ yeah..YunJae have already brainwashing my head to think that Yaoi is a cool stuff HAHA~

*look at the clock*
i should sleep~ ohmy~
i'm off okaaay~

PS : well, i really do love my troublesome friend here xDD so, if you want to comment on nice yaa~ dun bashed him pliss~ i love him xDD~
Blogged @ 5:55:00 AM

already morning..and i'm still up xDD
crazy huh?

recently, i don'f feel like sleeping~ dunno why..sumtimes when i woke up from sleep time, i suddenly felt miserables, i felt kinda lose my life if i slept xDD~

oh oh~ you know what? Tenjostyle has uploaded some FNS 2007 links!! yay! Arashi, News, Hey!Say!Jump! etc.~ ohmy~ she's sooo adorable..always made people happy with her links and stuff <33> Techni_Teddy. this gurl's Rock too!!
ohmyyyy~ i love them to death! oooohh yeaaahhh~ sad that Arashi won't continue MMA..i really love this show! oow the new show, what's it call? oooh GRA..i haven't seen it yet..really curious bout it..>_< mind to give me the link for download anyone??? pweeetie pweeeeaaassssseeee? *puppy.eyes*

actually, i really wants to post something interesting for you pics or sumthin..but you know..i'm sooo lame and lazy and &^%&^%& xDDD so~ yeah..hey bbut there were a lot of blog which gave you pleasures like thaat~ yeah~ and that's absolutely not mine hehe..

....winked to NEWS..i read they're going to hold Dome Concert ne?? cool~! considering that Arashi needs effin 7 years for doubleffin Dome Concert hehe *is.jealousy* but i love News though..(i even put pi's name into my most-precious big-teddy bear after my Junkun name xD)

ooowww~ it's finished! yay! i'm going to off from here and start my too-early-inthemorning-fangirling nyehehehe~

Blogged @ 3:55:00 AM

i'm angryyy!!

blogspot ate my post!! suuuuuuuucks!!

Blogged @ 11:42:00 AM


i'm still not sleeping~
dunno why...i just can't..
my body feels sooo tired, but my eyes can't close.

what happen to meee?????
Blogged @ 6:54:00 AM

it's raining all night~
but i'm so happy~ i love rain sooo much..
and still..i can't sleep. i'm not sleeping AGAIN..

hehehe~ looks like, when my head too occupied with sumthin', my body resist to rest hehe..
i even got my hypermigrain back ^^

you know, father come back home without car..he used public saaad~ he told us that today there's a traffic jam near our house and he happen to walked home.

ohmy~ and's still raining, he's going to work..and the worst thing is, we left all of our umbrellas in that car ..sniff~ gotta buy a new one today..

okaayy~ i'll stop mourning now hiks~ i really want to be cheery today..hmmpph~
Blogged @ 12:35:00 AM

i saw this in evryones blog hehe~
and i'd decided to try it..

check check check..

--- KAMU ---
. chika. chika chan~ nice to meet u xDD

. 24. ohmy~ xD

golongan darah?
. definitely A

. 150an cm xDD shorty me~

warna kulit ?
. kulit asia *doeng*

panjang rambut?
. lewat bahu dikit

--- PONSEL ---
nama ke 17 di hp?
. Ayame arashindo ^^

sms ke 4 di hape?
. Icha CCI <3

. minta super summer n dunlutan suju, suru bw hr sabtu. sm blg klo dy dpt slebaran diskon 50% dufan n ajakin jd ksana. xDD panjang emg xDDD

ringtone yg dipake?
. Anyband - TPL <333 kiyeenn

foto di wallpaper?
. cover : Jae -ava buatan siszy , desk : Jae dr shine picbook yg pk kaos merah bekgron putih <33

warna casing?
. blacky n grey

sisa pulsa?
. haa? rp.7.498,- mendekati mati suri xDD

hari/tanggal/taon beli HP kamu saat ini?
.  mana saia tau. turunan dr papa T.T

beli dimana ponsel kamu?
. di abang hape xDD

merek dompet?
. chateline - milk teddy

. hitam~

beli di?
. plaza cibubur xDD

apa yang kamu suka dari dompetmu?
. biasa aj.mgkn krn gede n bs byk muatan xDD

apakah kamu ada rencana ingin beli dompet baru?
. ga tau yah~ mau beliin??

apa saja yang ada di dompet kamu?
. sedikit duwit. ATM **. OM card.kartu matrix, ESQ, dll. pic2 me n siblings, n friends.

berapa banyak uang "cash" yang ada di dompet?
. 75rb passss xD

---E C---
tidur kamu nyenyak dan enak
. yosh~ tanpa migren xDD ampe kesiangan~

apa yang membangunkan kamu di pagi ini?
. uhmm nothing particular~ uda jam 11 ya kudu bangun xDDDD

kata2 pertama yang kamu denger tadi pagi?
. pedes yah? *abang gado2 langganan xDD*

kata2 pertama yang kamu ucapkan pada saat bangun pagi?
. baaang~ gado2!! xDDD abis bangun bnrn lgs makan xD

yang bikin kamu tersenyum pagi ini?
. fanfic~ xDD

yang bikin sedih pagi ini?
. mommy's words bout daddy in the said, "yah, mobil uda ga ada. astaghfirullah~ *and he keeps berdzikir*" T.T

harapan pertama kamu hari ini?
. mdh2an papa sabar dan kuat diposisi barunya..dan semua cobaan bs dilewatin dgn kuat T.T

apa yang kamu korbankan pertama kali hari ini?
. uhhmm..pergi ke kampus pagi2 xD

kamu sudah berbohong hari ini? kenapa?
. uhh..uhh..uda, ke pacalkuw. soalnya dy oon..saia kerjain aja xDD

rencana kamu hari ini?
. mksudnya bwt bsk pagi ya?? xDD kekampus, perpus, ngedate..

weeken kemaren kemana? ngapain?
. uhmm..kekampus, ktm dosen, jalan sm hesti. minggunya jln sm keluarga~

terakhir hangout kapan? kemana? samasapa?
. ya ituh, sm setu babakan masa~ gyahahaha idenya adek cowok gw gyahahaha~ keluarga norax uhuuuyy kiyeennn xDD

terakhir ketemu mantan kapan?
. hehe~ kemaren malem..papasan jalan~

bagaimana perasaan kamu dengannya?
. biasa ajah~ no feeling at all bahkan xDD~

sekarang lagi pengen pacaran?
. waduh..malah pengen putus..trus merit xD

punya rencana cari pacar baru?
. mau mau mauuuuu!! desperately mauuuu! 8tahun bosaaan itu2 sajaah xp

kalo ternyata pacar kamu gay?
. omaigawwt~ maybe i'll turn into lesbian too HAHA~ well, saia minta cariin cowo lg sm dia xD

suka terang apa gelap?
. terang..berasa hidup ^^

lebih suka ada ikatan apa nggak ada ikatan?
. tentu saja ada ^^ saia pecinta sejati *hoek*

terakhir... keinginan yang ingin terwujud hari ini?
. bangun pagi, selesain panduan wawancara, dpt bahan lg, beli cd sims 2 -lagih- <33

hehehe~ randomness banget yaah xDD
tp seluuu huehehe...

hoaaa dunlutan saia masi 1jam lg~ ohmy~
opp keliling..
paling ntar post lg xDDD
Blogged @ 5:55:00 AM

just wanna say~

i love my banner~ cuz it's joongie~ nyamnyam~~

lame PS? i knoe~ but's joongie!! *drooling.all.over*


Blogged @ 5:07:00 AM

Mood : blank~ xD
music : Towani - Gospellers & THSK and suddenly change into Last Angel - KodaKumi&THSK

see?? see?? i'm not off yet gyahahahaha~

i just forgot to post something...
i got this from my university's mosque~
a poem..a really touchy and great poem...

here it is~

A prayer about his pray.

I asked for strength,
And God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom,
And God gave me problem to solve.
I asked for prosperity,
And God gave me brains to work.
I asked for courage,
And God gave me dangers to overcome.
I asked for love,
And God gave me troubled people to help.
I asked for favours,
And God gave me opportunities.

I received nothing that I wanted.
I received everything that I needed.
My prayer has been answered.

author : i dunno ^^

Gosh, this like a rain for my heart ^^ *coughcheesycough*
really makes me think that..
well, i should be..oh No, MUST be tough~
also, i'm the elder...i have 2 little dongsaeng who still need my courage~
aaaa~ i found this poem when i'm in my overlydown state..
all my problems start to killing me...

but, deep inside my heart, i'm still crying.
and it's getting worst when i recall what my daddy said to me...
actually that's the reply for my goes like this..
me  : daddy~ fightiiing!!
dad : ok and keep tough. God is never sleep.
sigh~ so sad...suddenly, i was crying so hard..and my auntie came to hug me..

well, it's about my family daddy's problem actually.
i just feel sorry for him..
he just lost all his hard work all in sudden. just because there's someone that really dun like him? huh?! hello~ what happen with your heart Mr.)(&*%^%$!!
you have just successfully ruined someone's family! MY family! my daddy is one of a few PhD on that company for God Sake!! and plus..he already work there for these 28years OHMYGODYOU'RESOCRAZY!!

aaaa~ i'm sorry..i'm out of control..
but but but, we all believe that everything's happen for a reason.
so~ we'll be good. me, and my family.

yeah...we hope..oh NO..we WILL!

cheer up for me~ YAY! (^.~)v *sniff*
Blogged @ 4:24:00 AM

mood  : plain~ so-so
music : White Lies - Dbsk

huaaa~ i read that again~ hiks..
like what i said..i read something that makes me feel dun like it..i mean bout things that written..but but butttt~ i can't hate the person who wrote that~ because..i like her~ huks~

bingung ya?? xDDD

actually...i erased what i wrote bout it hehehe~ dun wanna make a fuss of sumthin'..
like what i said...i really like the person who wrote that 'sumthin' sooo~ let it be~

yeah...she wrote bout sumthin' that, i think, she don't know exactly bout it...oh well, sometimes when we love much..we do when we feel that our beloved being bullied, which is actually NOT, maybe we'll get all the nerves..and start to bashed the person whom, we think, bullying our beloved ^^

hmmm...understand that ^^ so~ even now i felt like *jleb.argh.died* i still thought that she's nice..she said that because she loves her someone so, she actually forgot that she's bashing someone's beloved too~

well..lesson for today...dun judge the book from its cover...hehehe~

uuuhhhh~ dilema~ but but...yeah still, like her...and still, being her fan hehehe *freak.lesbian.mode.on*

oh well..i'm off~


That Blogger
Name: chika chan ^^
Age: xx year old HAHA~
Horoscope: Truly Libra
Pretty Boys <3
YunJae - Nani Nena
This & that.

I took a Note on this quote :
"I do believe that sometimes when you love a person so much, love become an insignificant thing and you would learn to gradually let it go."
Craving For
# Wisdom, Knowledge and Talents
# TVXQ "O"-Encore Concert DVD
# Tohoshinki 3rd 'T' album <3
# Getting married~ HAHA~
# 8 students in a week >__<
# Piano Lesson
# Japanese Lesson
# Korean Lesson
# Belajar Poto
# Besta Pinkie Electronic Dictionary
# New Camera
# New Handphone
# Nintendo DS Pink
# Harry Potter 7 indo version HC
# Harry Potter Promotion T-Shirt!
# NEW Boyfriend!!
# SIMS 2!!
Screaming :D

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix


Big Runga - Sway

Ayame chan ♥
Gunkie ♥
Kalinn* ♥
Lihaa* ♥
Lola ♥
Susu ♥
Monk ♥
Beybi&Friends' ♥
Inda'cintaku' ♥
Rii ♥
Siszy ♥
Combroku ♥
CCI blog <33 ♥
princesspink ♥
raditya dika ♥
The Memories
x November 2007
x December 2007
x January 2008
Designer: %MOOOx-LOVE
Basecodes: theBENDANs & Siew Min
Materials: 1 2 3
Photoshop Element 5.0: x