No right click
Thank You!
♥ Enakei } {

Blogged @ 11:10:00 PM

mood: am happy ^^ but sad to leave T.T
music: Nothing Last Forever - RAN

will be
for 1 week or so

gonna miss this blog and You! hiks~

Blogged @ 3:32:00 PM

RSCM Resmikan Klinik Anti-Trauma

JAKARTA - Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) kembali menambah fasilitas kesehatan. Kali ini sebuah klinik pemulihan stress pascatrauma diresmikan.

Klinik tersebut nantinya akan menjadi pusat rujukan nasional untuk menangani pengobatan psikis korban bencana, penganiayaan, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga .

Gangguan stress pascatrauama adalah gangguan kecemasan yang umumnya terjadi setelah seseorang mengalami atau menyaksikan trauma berat yang mengancam secara fisik dan jiwa orang tersebut. Seperti bencana alam, kecelakan, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, dan penganiayaan. Pasien akan ditangani dengan dua pendekatan.

"Pertama pendekatan psikoterapi dengan metode khusus seperti konseling, terapi kelompok, terapi keluarga. dan kedua sarmakologi yaitu terapi obatan-obatan untuk meredam stress," jelas koordinator Klinik RSCM FKUI Suryo Darmono dalam acara peresmian di RSCM, Selasa (29/1/2008).

Menurut Darmono, klinik penangan korban trauma RSCM merupakan kerjasama Departemen psikiatri RSCM FKUI dan Pfizer Fondation.

Klinik yang berada di lantai III ini ditangani oleh tiga psikiater dan satu psikolog yang telah mendapatkan pelatihan khusus di Jakarta ditambah lima tenaga psikiater untuk metode psikoterapi bagi korban trauma.

"Paling banyak korban kekerasan pada anak dan perempuan. 2008 ini sudah ada tiga kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga yang masuk dan ditangani," imbuh Darmono. (fit)

credit to Lia Yusliani - Okezone Selasa, 29 Januari 2008 - 15:06 wib

i wish bisa magang sebentaaarrr aja disini *kyuuuup*
tertarik bgt sama hal yg beginian ^^

Blogged @ 12:45:00 AM

dapet ini dari bullboard FS haha~
iseng ajah~


Begitu dibuka. Kamu harus jawab
pertanyaan di bawah dengan jujur dan
dari dalam hati.

Jika mantan pacar kamu berkata :

1. Mengapa kamu membiarkan aku pergi?
# krn kamu yg buat aku begitu

2. Aku masih mencintai kamu.
# Aku juga. but Loving doesn't always mean for having rite?!

3 . Kapan terakhir kali kita ngobrol?
# 2 weeks ago? and it was awkward hhh~

4. Jalan yuk. Mau ga?
# i'm sorry~

5 . Aku antar jemput kamu mau ga?
# hehe~ don't need anymore

6. Apa kamu bisa ngejalanin semua ini
tanpa aku?
# i think i am, now..

7. Aku ga bisa menepati janji ke kamu.
# yeah, me too..coz i'm leaving..

8. Ortu aku nanyain kmu terus.
# nanti aku telp mereka ^^

9. Temen2 aku bilang kita berdua cocok bgt.
# i know. but...

10. Kamu sudah berubah.
# i have to. i'm moving on, remember??

11. Kita bisa balik lagi ga?
# i dont think we i said, it's over, final, no turning back.

12 . Oh, aku tau ada apa dengan semua ini?
# kan aku uda ngomong ^^

13. Kamu sadar ga kalau kamu nyakitin aku?
# i know..and i'll live together with Ms.Guilty feeling now

14. Bagaimana bisa kamu melupakan semua kenangan kita berdua?
# Never. i wont never forget those 8 years we've had

15. Aku akan selalu mencintai kamu.
# me too. but not in THAT context anymore..

16. Dan aku akan selalu menunggu kamu.
# Don't need too. just live ^^

haha~ actually..ini mah curhat namanya haha~
abis dengerin lagu2nya Glenn yg sedih tak berujung, sekali ini saja & Akhir cerita cinta..
huhuhu~ jd ngerasa bersalah lg..
tp gak boleh kayak gitu kan? gmn mau maju yah??
huhuhu~ maap~

sudahlah...uda janji gak mau nengok ke belakang lg..
my future suda menunggu didepan..
aku suda buka pintunya, tinggal nunggu dia masuk ^^

aaaa~ HWAITING!!

niwey, Indonesia masih berkabung, sampe 7hari ke depan..
gw juga masi sedih..pakk~ love your smile~!!
Blogged @ 12:36:00 AM

dengan Kebesaran Hati..mengucapkan..


Bpk. H.M. Soeharto

semoga diterima disisi-Nya, dilapangkan jalannya,
diterima amal dan ibadahnya. Amin.

despite of all the 'Bad' things you've done..
me always respected you as one of Indonesia's savior.
I am never Hate you, and never will.

hiks~ i love your smile pak Harto.. T____T 
Blogged @ 12:03:00 PM

i found this while i'm blogging around tehehehe~

Mark Your Confessions

[x] I Talk A LOT when I get really nervous.

[] I am really ticklish.

[] I'm afraid of the dark.

[] I can't sleep in a room if the door is open

[] I can't sleep in a room if the door is closed

[x] I believe in true love.

[] I've ran away from home

[] I listen to political music

[x] I collect comic books

[x] I shut others out when I'm sad.

[x] I've stayed out all night.

[x] I open up to others easily.

[] I am keeping a secret from the world.

[] I watch the news

[x] I love Disney movies.

[x] I am a sucker for green eyes.

[x] I am a sucker for brown eyes.

[x] I am a sucker for blue eyes

[] I dont kill bugs

[] I have "x"s in my screen name.

[x] I've slipped and fell in public.

[x] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation

[] I love Spam

[] I bake well.

[x] I have worn pajamas to class.

[x] I want a better job

[] Talked on a phone for 6+ hours.

[] I love Dr. Phil.

[] I like multiple people

[x] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.

[x] I am self-conscious.

[x] I love to laugh.

[x] I have tried alcohol.

[] I drink alcohol on a regular basis.

[x] I have tried a cigarette.

[] I have smoked a pack in one day.

[] I loved Lord of the Flies.

[x] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.

[] I can't swallow pills.

[x] I have a lot of scars.

[x] I like chocolate.

[] I bite my nails.

[] I am not comfortable with being me.

[] I play computer games when I'm bored.

[x] Gotten lost in the city.

[x] Thought of suicide before.

[x] Seen a shooting star.

[x] Gone out in public in my pajamas

[] Hugged a stranger.

[x] Been in a fist fight.

[] Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of my nose

[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.

[] Made out in an elevator.

[x] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose

[] Been skydiving.

[] Been bungee jumping.

[] Gotten stitches.

[x] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour

[x] Bitten someone

[] Been to Niagara Falls.

[x] Gotten the chicken pox.

[] Crashed into a car

[] Been to Germany.

[x] Ridden in a taxi.

[] Shoplifted.

[x] Been fired.

[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.

[] Stole something from your job.

[x] Gone on a blind date.

[] Had a crush on a teacher/coach.

[] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[] Slept with a co-worker, and/or employee.

[] Been married

[] Gotten divorced

[x] Saw someone/something dying.

[] Have a list of people you want to kill.

[] Ridden in a car over 400 miles in one day

[] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

[x] Thrown up in a bar.

[x] Eaten sushi.

[x] Cried in public.

[] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed.

[x] Liked someone even though you knew you shouldn't have.

[x] Thought of someone a lot lately.

[] Hate the world.

tehehehe~ confession~ teheheehehe
kyuuuuuuuuup~! >_______<

That Blogger
Name: chika chan ^^
Age: xx year old HAHA~
Horoscope: Truly Libra
Pretty Boys <3
YunJae - Nani Nena
This & that.

I took a Note on this quote :
"I do believe that sometimes when you love a person so much, love become an insignificant thing and you would learn to gradually let it go."
Craving For
# Wisdom, Knowledge and Talents
# TVXQ "O"-Encore Concert DVD
# Tohoshinki 3rd 'T' album <3
# Getting married~ HAHA~
# 8 students in a week >__<
# Piano Lesson
# Japanese Lesson
# Korean Lesson
# Belajar Poto
# Besta Pinkie Electronic Dictionary
# New Camera
# New Handphone
# Nintendo DS Pink
# Harry Potter 7 indo version HC
# Harry Potter Promotion T-Shirt!
# NEW Boyfriend!!
# SIMS 2!!
Screaming :D

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix


Big Runga - Sway

Ayame chan ♥
Gunkie ♥
Kalinn* ♥
Lihaa* ♥
Lola ♥
Susu ♥
Monk ♥
Beybi&Friends' ♥
Inda'cintaku' ♥
Rii ♥
Siszy ♥
Combroku ♥
CCI blog <33 ♥
princesspink ♥
raditya dika ♥
The Memories
x November 2007
x December 2007
x January 2008
Designer: %MOOOx-LOVE
Basecodes: theBENDANs & Siew Min
Materials: 1 2 3
Photoshop Element 5.0: x